Saturday, February 5, 2011

More ice cream please!

So today Shane Addison and I went shopping and had a fun day! We took Addison to eat ice cream!The restaurant is called Purple cow. Its an old fashion diner.She got to enjoy purple vanilla ice cream as soon as we ordered,so when we all finished the main course the server came over to check on us Addison quickly and politely asked may I have some ice cream please!Now remember she already had some at the beginning of the meal!What a stinker!I was busy talking to the server but her daddy heard her and was laughing so hard!To Addison's dismay the server didn't hear her!lol We thought it was cute!Addison we love you so!Hope everyone is having great weekend!God bless!


  1. I have heard of the Purple Cow but don't have one in the area - my girls would love purple ice cream too! We had a girls day too - took the girls to the mall to spend some Christmas money they had saved. Disney store had plushes buy 1 get 1 free so that worked out well and they each picked out one. Then found some super cute nightgowns on clearance at The Children's Place store for $2.99 each and in both of their sizes! After we left the mall we took them out to lunch to this steakhouse where they have buckets of peanuts at the table and they encourage you to throw the shells on the floor - the girls loved it and even ate the peanuts!

  2. SOunds like yall had fun too girlie!

  3. Hi Sweetie,
    Oh she is just like her mama. I miss my girls today. I love you.
    Love ,
